Deborah's Death: An Avoidable Misfortune

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A popular Indian proverb holds that "It is pointless to give someone a rose to smell after plucking off their nose". This proverb has had different interpretations by different schools of thought - while some believe that it points to the fact that "It is too late to cry when the head is cut off" others believe that "there is never a reason to be unkind, irrespective of divergence in opinions and points of view". 

However, in either case, the universal point to note is that while some actions have short term consequences, others leave permanent marks of painful memories, which not even time can heal. 

The recent incident in Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, that lead to the gruesome murder of Miss Deborah Yakubu, a 200 Level student, is one "nose" we would consider plucked off, that would never get to smell a rose ever. 

Consequently, while we sympathize with Deborah's family, and the entire student community, it is paramount that we look closely at events that lead to the provocation, that in turn lead to this barbaric act, hence avoid future recurrence.

Social Media and its Compression into Group Chats 

Social media is considered to be an umbrella term for a wide range of interactive websites and applications, which enable users to create and share content and ideas within an online community. However, to better and fully maximize the full potential of the provisions made by this medium, users have found ways of connecting on the bases of interests and alignment of goals hence the advent of "chat groups." 

For instance, in an organization, staff of the accounts department may decide to create a group where information, files and issues relating activities carried out by the said department could be made available to everyone concerned, within the shortest frame of time. 

Another example, as seen in our case study, is a group of students from a given department forming a chat group where discussions, materials and ideas concerning assignments and other relevant tasks could be shared amongst members of that department. 

The Impending Slippery Slope

It would be observed from the two case scenarios above that chat groups are created with specific goals intended to be achieved. And every member is expected to be in familiar with these outlined goals. 

Unfortunately, chat groups have always been known to mutate overtime, from their originally intended purpose, as a result of many factors - with poor administration taking prominence. 

There are many people today who at one point in time joined groups for academic purposes, but woke up one day to discover they were unintentionally members of a particular religion or denomination. Then in an attempt to remind other members of the originally intended goals of the group, expressions and counter expressions are made, feet are stepped on, lines are crossed, reactions ensue and then consequences follow. 

Now that being said, what are the lessons we need to draw from Miss Deborah's lynching? 

Stick to the Goals - It is not enough to start up a chat group with outlined goals. There has to be a detailed outline of consequences awaiting anyone who violates these set goals. Also, group admins must be seen to be objective and impartial in overseeing activities on the group. 

Know Your Rights and Obligations - As a member of any chat group, you are obligated to ensure strict adherence to the code of conduct binding its membership, but you must also realise that not every issue raised requires your input or response (even when your name is mentioned). 

If You Must Speak, Be Guided - In the public domain, it is not just enough to have something to say concerning a subject matter. Understanding how and when to say it, as well as whom to say it to,  is very vital. 

There are times you may need to diplomatically address issues within the public space, sometimes you may have to reach out to the individuals privately (being extremely diplomatic) and help them see your point of view. And in cases which may call for further sanctions, you may need to privately reach out to group admin(s). In each case, you need to understand that communication goes beyond just words; it is an art that you deliberately work hard to build. 

Know When to Exit - Lastly, no group (however relevant it may  be to your course)  is worth you losing your temper, dignity and life over. If you feel that the ideology propagated by a majority in the group is not in line with what the original intended goals are, you are always free to quietly exit without even giving room for any altercation with anyone. 


As Ravi Zachariahs (of blessed memories) would always say, "there is a massive difference between the fine use of words and the use of fine words." therefore, in any group or domain we find ourselves, may we always remember that "we may have reasons to disagree over our beliefs or philosophies and ideologies, but there is never a reason to be unkind" Ravi Zachariahs 


  1. I was just looking for the full gist of this story but I got even more here. Thanks

  2. Welcome to our modern day society where individuals feel violence is the highest medium of responds to a spec of issue that never holds water. Judging from all our holy traditions we all are submissive to, I doubt if it has a space which clear states that Justice by individuals is allowed for the supreme being. In respect to the Issue of miss Deborah, It is rather unfortunate that the issue which she was murdered for was practically not directly pointing to any individual if truly she did what she was accused of, because the God of Justice whom they feel she was referring to had the right to take Justice on it's own. Well there's always a wise saying that says "before a monkey swallows the seed of a Mango, it must know the size of it's anus. I hope the size of the anus those who are involved in this gruesome act is large enough to accept the wrath of the God of Justice.
    My stand.

  3. Oooo wow
    This is awesome and well analyzed. It's only when it comes to Islam that people kill and mame for no reason all in the name of religion. Government will only condemn the act buh perpetrators are not brought to book. They're currently burning Churches an destroying property buh no one is saying anything.
    The wrath of God Will surely visit them.

  4. I can say that this still stroll down to the proper use of law. The essence of law is to help keep order if this cannot be achieved, law becomes useless. I can say that a good number of the people that committed this act are traceable.if they are traced and punished, it will serve as a deterrent going further and we will save our country from loosing more 'nose'. Let justice be served!!!


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